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Copenhagen, Denmark
Paris, France
Okayama, Japan
Full Name *
Company/Organization (if applicable)
Email *
Phone Number *
Website/Social Media (Optional)
Event Name *
Venue Name / Location *
Date of Event *
Event Start & End Time (Optional)
Venue Capacity (Optional)
Indoor or Outdoor Event? IndoorOutdoor
Type of Event PrivatePublicFestivalCorporateOther
Sound & Lighting Provided? YesNo
Expected Attendance (Optional)
Performance Budget/Offer ($)
Will lodging be provided (if out of town)? YesNo
Will meals be provided for band and crew? YesNo
Anything else we should know about the event?
I agree to the terms and conditions regarding band booking, payment, and cancellation policies.
Submit Booking Request
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Signed to Alamo Recordz ,Santa Anna. Business Development, Sales & Marketing. Influential Influencer, Tx 📍 ALBUM AVAILABLE ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️